So now that we are settled into Hamanasi Resort, its time for some diving again. This time on the southern end of the barrier reef. Ashley decided she wanted a chill day so I headed out at 7:15 AM to register for my dive, do my paperwork and get gear all set up. After doing so it was time to chill for a bit in the hammocks at the end of the docks and wait for the rest of the crowd to arrive for the boats.

Once the crew arrived, I met Ryan, a mechanical engineer from Houston and the the father and son duo whose names I cannot recall at the moment. We also are introduced to Evan and “Big Daddy” our dive guides for the day. They inform us that we are indeed again going on a Lionfish hunt today between all three boats so that we can have some ceviche during our surface interval between dives.

The first dive was definitely the more interesting of the two. Seeing plenty of Lionfish to spear which of course attracted a VERY interested and large nurse shark who kept circling until we fed it several of the Lionfish in our bag. I saw trumpet fish, brain coral, angle fish and some really amazing blue fish schools of which I don’t know the name.

Once back on the surface we cruise over to South Water Caye to take our surface interval at a shelter that Hamanasi contracts with to allow just this activity. It belongs to another resort that is primarily used by fish researchers. Here we are treated to some really spicy ginger tea, ginger snap cookies and watch the guides clean and prepare our Lionfish ceviche. Prepared with lime, habanero’s, black pepper, soy sauce, pineapple, vinegar and oregano. Also one was prepared with just lime juice, vinegar and soy. Both were AMAZINGLY good. Something about eating the fish 20 minutes after it comes out of the water is just too good to explain in words.

The second dive saw us in search of some sea turtles. We descent… we search… we see lots of coral… no turtles… until almost the very end of the dive when this BIG daddy hawksbill turtle surfaces out of the depths on his way to the surface for a breath. He goes up then comes down and rests on the sand right below where we ascend from our second dive. A nice outdoor shower on the boat on the way back in and I’m back on dry land visiting with Ashley who has made friends with a very friendly couple at the pool. We head up to lunch for some fresh seafood then back to the pool only to get chased away by the rain 15 minutes later. So we head inside for happy hour as the time had arrived. I had a really fancy pants gin cocktail while Ashley had a great margarita.

When the rain stopped we headed back to the room and I racked out on the couch while she racked out in her bed for a GREAT afternoon nap. Which was of course followed by a seafood platter dinner… eat your heart out John.. of grouper, shrimp and calamari. Then back to the room to crash out as tomorrow holds a big hike up to the Mayflower Falls which we have to be down in the lobby for at 6:30am.

And yes Harry.. Ashley exists, see pic below… more to come tomorrow….

5 Replies to “Back Under The Water”

  1. Glad you are having a wonderful time! It is beautiful out there, and I am envious of all your fresh fish meals!❤

  2. Wow! Those purple fish are amazing-what are they????? Wish I was there, it looks amazing…

  3. Looking at the Lion Fish, I see no way that they could be edible let alone delicious, but if you say so, I believe you. I know what fresh fish tastes like and to be prepared like you described made me very hungry. Ashley is still smiling and that is always a good thing. Looks like fun.

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