Wel the time has come to say Sawadeeka to Thailand. That is goodbye.. and conicentally, hello, good morning, good afternoon and good evening.
Yesterday started gloriously with 90+ degree heat before 9am and I was sweating through my shirt by the timem I got to breakfast.
Then it was onto the dive. I didn’t get to dive directly with Sophie today as she was dedicated to new student divers but we were on the same boat so that was excellent as we got a chance to sit and talk for the first time really. She’s been really busy working which I completely understand. But today we weree headed to KohTao for a shallower and different dive from Sail Rock. After the Koh Tao dive we went to Shark Rock. And I am not ashamed to say that dive was the worst of the week. We had strong current to swim against at the beginning of the dive which causes my air consumption to increase dramatically. Then we turned the corner of the north end of the rock and the current carried us along nicely. Now I love a good drift dive but this was so fast that if you wanted to see something you had to struggle to reverse yourself and swim back against the current. Eventually we rounded the south end of the rock and were now swimming straight into probably the worst current that I have had to deal with. I literally was jal;sdfj;;;;;jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Crap I just fell asleep in the middle of that sentence. I am currently in the Korean Air Presitge loung in Incheon airport and needless to say I’m exhausted. I was saying that I was kicking literaly as hard as I could and absolutely making zero headway. Eventually the entire group around us all decided (and I had to as I was into my reserve air) surface and make our way back that way. Fortunately they brought the boat to us and all was well. But that last dive, I hve to say, definiately less than my favoirite, but thats diving Its like Forest says, you never know what you’re going to get.
After the dive I wenty for my scheduled Thai massage. It is the best best best. If you can find a true Thai Massage massuse somewehre in your part of the world I highly highly highly recommend it. Back to the hotel, a quick shower and change and I’m off to meet Sophie forr dinner. Gino I finally got that fried snapper with sweet and spicy chili sauce. The same thing we had before but about 3x in price now. Afterr dinner was drinks on the beach in a HUGE rainstorm, a taxi ride back to the respective lodges and then up in the morning.
This is where I spent the day waiting forr my taxi to the ferry docks. Singha in had, beach lounger and the sounds and smell of the ocean. Life doesn’t get muhc better.

The next morning the immigration police showed up.. No idea why. I got a covid test even though I doubted I needed it to get into the airport in Korea, then got on the ferry to Koh Samui. I end up finding this really goregous restaurang right off the Bangrak SeatTran pier. Really cool owner PGA pro that got tired of managing and his Thai wife on a whim opened the restaurant. The food is spectacular and the location fabulous for sunses. I’ll provide a link at a later date.
I may provide one more blog update when I get home as I want to wrap up the impressions but forr now I”m literally struggling to keep my eyes open and I have to go and board my 2nd to last flight to Seatle in about 10 minutes.
See You all Soon!
Thanks for sharing the adventure! It’s not always a laugh a minute on your end, but for your readers it sometimes can be because we know you always end up on the right side of every slightly negative situation you encounter. I’d have LOST a passport and had needed to replace at least three pairs of shoes if it had been me!!
It’s always good to know there are a lot of good people in this world and you seem to run into the best of the best on your adventures. My sister’s favorite quote is by Yeats “There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t yet met!”
A great trip! And no real misadventures or injuries, except for chasing your shoes and I guess losing the “M” hat. So, all in all an excellent Wild William Adventure.
Keep on Traveling (as Rick Steves says).
Wow-the dive pics are beautiful! I’ve never seen a Christmas Tree-you will have to explain what that is when I see you next. Hope you made it home safe!
Always fun to live vicariously through you. Thanks for sharing.
There is no question, YOU are meant to be by the sea. This whole trip has been an excellent read. What am I going to without my dose of daily adventure. I loved it all. Thank you Katelyn for choosing Korea and inticing Uncle Bill to tag along. It has been a trip!