Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Bangkok, Thailand

So .. getting here is supposed to be the fun right??   RIGHT!!!  Ok so it wasn’t that bad.  However leaving home the day I left I was running with my head cut off.  In the span of 8am to noon I

  • bought a new camera
  • bought travel toiletries
  • jammed a 6″ sub down my throat
  • moved 14 bundles of shingles out of the driveway
  • returned my cell phone
  • payed the cleaning lady (thanks Becky!)
  • Tested the GSM SIM
  • photocopied the passport
  • Fedexed some documents
  • showered twice

I can’t believe I made the airport sanely!  Thanks to mom and dad I wasn’t too stressed getting there.But, once at the airport and walking up the stairs I hear the pop of a champagne cork it was clear the flight attendants were celebrating my arrival.  As I was the tallest person on the 747-400 by at least 6″ it was also apparent we weren’t goign anywhere close by 🙂  The mork from ork space pod chairs in buisness class on the top floor were calling me and I gladly answered.  Settling in with my glass of champagne, I was handed the 4 course dining menu for dinner, desert, in flight snack and breakfast.    My nerves were starting to calm a little but then I kept thinking I’m going 10k miles from home.. I don’t speak the language, I’ve only been planing for a week.. what am I doing!
Then.. DOUBLE RAT FARTS!!! .. Spaulding!   Yes, its true, my first discovery of something truly wrong on the trip.. I left ALL of my memory cards for my camera at home.  I will have to get them when I get to Bangkok.

 Upon arrival in Bangkok, Mr. Payap from ETC gueshouse and travel agent, met me at the airport with a HUGE smile and a handshake and off we went.  at 33 bhat to the dollar I was getting an airconditioned room, breakfast, ride to the hotel and travel services for about $60USD at the Lumpinee Hotel and Spa (17 Soi Ngam Duphil, Rama IV Road, Sathorn, Bangkok 66 2 2870111-31).  Not a bad deal all said and done.
DOUBLE RAT FARTS!!!  Again.. I then flip on my cell phone that I researched so long to get a World Travel SIM so that y’all could call me and I could call you… turns out my Treo650 is not 1900MHz compatible and thus will not register on the Thai network here.  So if you’ve called, I’m not ignoring you.

 I’ll see if I can upload a few photos here in a second.  Right now I’m arranging for Visa’s to Vietnam upon my return from Australia when Gino arrives.. WOP .. look for my email.  Then its off to the department store to find my xD card and then off to the airport again.  Another afternoon and evening of travel should find me in Darwin, Australia tomorrow.

 This morning I was up at 6am.. don’t laugh all of you who know me .. thats like 8pm your time back home 🙂  I watched the sun rise over bangkok out my window, went down and had some breakfast..and then went and explored a little of the Lumphine park down the street.  What nice people, everyone smiles, nobody is too pushy.  I’m sure thats just a first impression but better than feeling an outcast.  Tai Chi in the park was fun to watch.

 OK, I had best get a move on.  Talk to y’all later


Pictures & Video

nanu .. nanu


calm the nerves

calm the nerves


who'd have thought I'd be awake to see that

who’d have thought I’d be awake to see that


maybe I"ll learn some calm nerves here.. naww!

maybe I”ll learn some calm nerves here.. naww!



One Reply to “Its the Journey thats fun right???”

  1. Fluffy on Jul. 9, 2007 @ 03:42PM saidBest of luck in your summer travels….I hope that you enjoy yourself. Be Safe! I'll miss you! :)Water logged on Jul. 9, 2007 @ 03:42PM saidHop on a Kangaroo and ride like the wind. Don't put up any barrier to your fun on the reef. Watch out for crocks. Have fun. Come back in one piece.Moms younger sister on Jul. 9, 2007 @ 03:42PM saidBill, Those pictures of the temples with the big tree roots growing on them are awesome. Sounds like a great trip but meant for a young guy like yurself. Better get home soon, the Tigers are drowning. Also, I understand about the spelling.It's a UofM thing. Just kidding, always good to hear from you. Aunt BettyDr Evil on Jul. 9, 2007 @ 03:42PM saidHoly Cr*p! … A whole month?!?! … Must be nice to be un-employed 🙂 Have fun, Bill. Troy.touspring on Jul. 9, 2007 @ 03:42PM saidYou planned all this in one week? I am truly impressed. Have a great time and good luck getting enough beers – – you can always sleep later, right?! Good luck!! PaulaOh Brother! on Jul. 9, 2007 @ 03:42PM saidWhat? Only six countries? You must be starting to get old! I am sure you are going to have a great time. Look forward to hearing more!GoinNowhere on Jul. 9, 2007 @ 03:42PM saidCRAP! I can't believe you got "Dr Evil"! Have fun Bill! We're looking forward to hearing how it's going. Steve.

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