Thursday, September 2, 2010
Nairobi, Kenya

Narobbery, Naibeggary, Naiextorsion…

These three words actually were on a notice right next to the front office desk. Well having experienced two out of the three I sympathized with the need for the sign. So I am not excited to be in Nairobi to start with, I’ve heard NOTHING good and NOTHING but danger lurks. Frankly after my experience with Sam the scammer, I have become again the cynical traveler that trusts nobody outside of who I am traveling with and will not talk to strangers on the street. I don’t like this attitude as it limits my ability to mingle and meet the locals, but in this city it clearly is an absolute necessity.

So our first day in Nairobi we use to square away future logistics and my new Kenyan SIM card because even though they are still ZAIN they cannot look at any information about my card from Tanzania.. right.. whatever.. but the new SIM card cost me about $.75 so I didn’t quibble too hard.

We spent the evening at the hotel working on the internet, drinking beer and relaxing in general. A blissfully low drama day.

The next day included a SLOW morning of reading about Madagascar and getting a little more excited about that portion of the trip. After we get moving we decide to go see the giraffe center out on the edge of the city. This was a REALLY cool experience which allowed me to talk with some really knowledgeable and fluent english speaking rangers who let us feed the giraffe and give us a great private talk on how to tell the differences between giraffe, what they eat, where they live, etc, etc, ec. However of course nothing is completely without drama so as we sit in the evening having dinner at the hotel, the TV is showing pictures of riots in Nakuru in Kenya….

Anyone want to take a guess where I am headed tomorrow… you got it.. Nakuru! You just have to laugh and throw out your TIA!

Well, I’m getting picked up at 8am to head out to my safari in the national park which is nowhere near the riots but I’m going to get some sleep anyway.

I find myself feeling very sad that for the first time in 23 years I am going to miss the Michigan home opener.. I hope everyone drinks a beer for me 🙂

Pictures & Video

I knew giraffes were smart!


I knew giraffes were smart!


eww.. I've been slimed!

eww.. I’ve been slimed!


yummy leg of giraffe!

yummy leg of giraffe!


Wood carver making cool gifts

Wood carver making cool gifts


Slums of Nairobi.. so sad!

Slums of Nairobi.. so sad!



4 Replies to “Finally a Chill Day”

  1. You know we will drink more than one in your honor at the game today. After all, we are using your house for the party! You know me, I have a good feeling about the game and the season . We may will miss your usual RichRod bashing during the game, but if things don't go well, I am sure there will be plenty to take your place. Just remember the maize and blue as you chase the wild things … that is, until you get to the safari!

  2. Haha! What a great M hat shot! And that looks like a cool balcony spot! Nothing like getting up close and personal with a 19 footer! So, what can you pass on about telling the difference between giraffes?I just can't get it out of my head….who owns the blue shanty? Must be their version of hippies. HAHA. Or QueerEyeForTheStraightGuy did an African Special. It is terribly sad, and how much they must resent the tourists with their money, to know that just a few hundred bucks could take them away from that life. But you can't help them all, and how do you choose just one? Do you see any sign of donated dollars in any of the areas you've been in? You know, clear water efforts and the like…Hope you are feeling better! I've gotta know. Did you kiss her back? HAHAHAJessica

  3. We aren't going to the Michigan game tomorrow but Uncle Jim and i will have a beer or two for you anyway. Stay saff. Go Blue. Great pictures.Aunt Betty

  4. How sweet! You and the giraffe make such a cute couple. Was that giraffe telling you the MICHIGAN WILL HAVE A WINNING SEASON this year and that you should rethink your opinion on RR!! GO BLUE!!!

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