Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Welcome back fellow adventurers and avid adventure followers ! It has been quite a while since we’ve last met here. If I recall I had just left the land of blistering heat, incomparable natural beauty and some really crazy adventures. We met my longtime friends Michelle and Pat as well as many new friends such as the flattulating bus companion, my old dysenteric friend Africa Ass, the always lovable and affable Irish traveling companions. Along the way we experienced Zoo quality wildlife, extraordinary SCUBA diving, fabulous culinary delights, the joy of a lost ATM card in Madagascar, and the exhilaration of French Kissing a giraffe just to mention
a few.
Well my friends another epic adventure lay ahead and as I sit on this Delta E170 on My way home from Texas I am both giddy and apprehensive. For all of you, to a last person, I know this will come as no surprise to anyone on this list that haven’t even THOUGHT about packing yet!!!. In as little as twelve hours I will be departing for Antarctica. Yes, that Bright the bottom the frozen Continent! The trip promises to be along and arduous one:

DFW to DTW Today
 DTW to MIA Tomorrow
 DTW to EZE (points if you Know that) Tomorrow / Friday
 EZE to USH (more points) Friday
 Ushiaui, Tierra del Fuego board ship on Saturday
As things sit night now I have e lose to 8 hours of work to complete, A ton of Amazon purchases to both receive and return, a borrowed camera to learn, taxes to pay, a doctors appointment for a Cortisone shot in my bursitis laden hip , food to eat and maybe some sleep…. But as we all know this is par for the course for me! 

The real question will be:Who can guess what the first Item I will have forgotten will be?More tomorrow as the sojourn truly begins!


10 Replies to “And so it’s been A While”

  1. Nothing….at least nothing I could remember. I tried to remind you of everything you might forget. I KNOW it is not the passport! How about$$$$ I forgot to mention that. Looking forward to lots of pictures. Thanks Geno.

  2. Hopefully not the infamous yellow Michigan hat. At least you are traveling somewhere warmer than Michigan football team has been this year!

  3. I'm guessing passport. Then you'll be stuck in the warmth of Miami versus the bitter cold you'd rather be enjoying:)

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