Twenty + years in the IT industry and here I sit for about the 100th hour trying to figure out how to get this ubiquitous WordPress templates, custom post types, databases, etc. to all work together so I can blog about this amazing upcoming trip to the Philippines.

Where I hope to .. dive on WWII wrecks, drink (surprise loyal followers) beers and fruity rum drinks on sun washed and palm tree studded remote beaches, hopefully do some sailing.. just started looking up Philippino yacht clubs and it looks there are some fun races on Wednesday’s that I might be able to get my ass into.  Here’s to hoping.

Anyway, I really am writing this entry to test out some functionality of this over complex system (c’mon Ghost you still got some work to do to catch up) but alas I’m a stubborn SOB and I know I’ll get where I need to be before I leave.. or at least a working version of something I can tolerate.

Now I should get back to my regularly scheduled Job.